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Enrichment for Youth
Course Category
About Enrichment for Youth

Youth enrichment provides children with educational programs and activities that extend beyond their regular school day. Enrichment programs are designed to address youth needs in many areas such as academic, cultural, social, emotional, and recreational.

Featured Courses

  • Transit Tech

    In this session we will learn about STEAM concepts and will be challenged to build up to six different motorized engineering models using patented building kits. We will learn about motorcycle, cars, semi's and other engineering concepts like power, speed gears and elastic energy. e2 Young Engineers is an internationally acclaimed STEM and Robotics education provider. Their programs are recognized by Harvard School of Education and European Union as leaders in such education.
  • Super Saturday Gym Time - Super sábado de gimnasio

    Parent & Child, ages 2-6 Need a place to get the wiggles out this winter? Enjoy time playing together and meeting other families. A variety of age appropriate equipment and activities will be available for a semi-structured gym experience. Due to space and safety considerations, this activity is only open to ages 2-6 with an adult, no older siblings. Please bring dry, athletic type shoes for the gym. Edades de 2-6 con adulto ¿Necesita un lugar donde moverse libremente este invierno? Disfrute de tiempo juntos y de conocer a otras familias. Habrá una variedad de equipo y actividades apropiadas de acuerdo a la edad para disfrutar de una experiencia en un gimnasio. Debido al espacio y a consideraciones de seguridad, esta actividad solo está disponible para niños de 2-6 años acompañados con un adulto, sin hermanos mayores. Por favor, traiga zapatos atléticos secos para el gimnasio.