Local opportunities to connect, learn and grow. Course offerings are typically announced three times per year in mid-August, mid-December, and early March.
Early Childhood Family Education classes are offered in Richfield at the Central Education Center. Fees are based on a sliding scale, and no one is turned away for inability to pay!
Early Childhood Screening / Evaluación de la Primera Infaci
We provide a play-based developmentally appropriate curriculum that is inclusive of all learners. / Proveemos un programa basado en el juego apropiado para el desarrollo, el cual es inclusivo para todos los estudiantes.
Families can play and learn together at events or activities.
Basic water safety and five levels of swim instruction.
Mexican desserts that you can't miss at your party! Arroz con Leche, or Mexican rice pudding, is a comforting and simple no-fuss Mexican dessert guaranteed to satisfy any sweet tooth! It can be served hot or cold and is made with only six ingredients. To quench your thirst, Agua de horchata, jamaica and pineapple. This Aguas Frescas recipe is a Mexican beverage that translates to "cool waters." These refreshing drinks are made from fruit and dry ingredients, water, and a little sweetener. So many flavors to enjoy! Offered in partnership with MIRA. This is a bilingual class (English and Spanish).
¡Postres mexicanos que no pueden faltar en tu fiesta! ¡El arroz con leche, o arroz con leche mexicano, es un postre mexicano sencillo, reconfortante y sin complicaciones que garantiza satisfacer cualquier gusto por lo dulce! Se puede servir frío o caliente y se hace con sólo seis ingredientes. Para calmar la sed, agua de horchata, jamaica y piña. Esta receta de Aguas Frescas es una bebida mexicana. Estas bebidas refrescantes se elaboran a base de frutas e ingredientes secos, agua y un poco de azúcar. ¡Tantos sabores para disfrutar! Ofrecido en asociación con MIRA. Esta es una clase bilingüe (inglés y español).
Yacaira Rodriguez Zavala