Local opportunities to connect, learn and grow. Course offerings are typically announced three times per year in mid-August, mid-December, and early March.
Early Childhood Family Education classes are offered in Richfield at the Central Education Center. Fees are based on a sliding scale, and no one is turned away for inability to pay!
Early Childhood Screening / Evaluación de la Primera Infaci
We provide a play-based developmentally appropriate curriculum that is inclusive of all learners. / Proveemos un programa basado en el juego apropiado para el desarrollo, el cual es inclusivo para todos los estudiantes.
Families can play and learn together at events or activities.
Basic water safety and five levels of swim instruction.
Age 9-12
There is no magic age at which children develop the maturity and good sense needed to stay alone. Be prepared for your 9-12 year-old to be home alone for short periods of time, before or after school or while you run errands. During this class, kids will make their own first-aid kits and learn basic first-aid techniques. We’ll discuss personal and home safety, internet safety, phone skills, fire safety, escape plans, what to do in severe weather, bike safety, snack ideas, appropriate activities and more! Each child will receive a multi-sport helmet, water bottle and backpack. Lunch will be provided. This class is a partnership with Richfield Police, Richfield Fire, and Richfield Recreation Services.
Edad 9-12
Prepárate para estar solo/a en casa por periodos de tiempo cortos. Haz tu propio botiquín de primeros auxilios, aprende primeros auxilios básicos. ¡Conversa sobre la seguridad personal y del hogar, seguridad de internet, habilidades telefónicas, seguridad de fuego, plan de escape, que hacer en clima severo, seguridad en bicicleta, ideas de merienda, actividades apropiadas y más! Cada niño recibirá un casco multideportivo, una botella de agua y una mochila. Se proporcionará almuerzo. Esta clase es una asociación con la Policía de Richfield, los Bomberos de Richfield y los Servicios de Recreación de Richfield.
Richfield Community Education
Full - waiting list