Local opportunities to connect, learn and grow. Course offerings are typically announced three times per year in mid-August, mid-December, and early March.
Early Childhood Family Education classes are offered in Richfield at the Central Education Center. Fees are based on a sliding scale, and no one is turned away for inability to pay!
Early Childhood Screening / Evaluación de la Primera Infaci
We provide a play-based developmentally appropriate curriculum that is inclusive of all learners. / Proveemos un programa basado en el juego apropiado para el desarrollo, el cual es inclusivo para todos los estudiantes.
Families can play and learn together at events or activities.
Basic water safety and five levels of swim instruction.
Join us to explore and play! Parents/Caregivers will spend time with their child engaging in movement, literacy, and table activities together to create the ultimate play-based learning experience! Caregivers will separate for a portion of the class, with a licensed parent educator examining topics relevant to their child’s age. This portion of the class is taught in Spanish and English. Children will stay with the early childhood teacher, who will facilitate explorative play with English instruction. The last 20 minutes of class will engage in outdoor learning to encourage scientific inquiry and large motor development.
¡Acompáñenos para explorar y jugar! Los padres/tutores legales van a pasar tiempo juntos con sus hijos participando en actividades de movimiento, alfabetización y actividades de mesa para crear la mejor experiencia de aprendizaje basada en el juego. Los padres o tutores legales se separarán durante una porción de la clase con una educadora de padres licenciada para examinar temas relevantes a la edad del niño/a. Esta porción de la clase se imparte en español. Los niños se quedarán con la maestra de educación temprana, quien se encargará de facilitar el juego exploratorio con instrucción en inglés. Los últimos 20 minutos de la clase se dedicarán al aprendizaje al aire libre, para incentivar la investigación científica y el desarrollo motor grueso.
Hi families! My name is Shanyn Hill and I have been an Early Childhood Educator for 9 years. This is my third year with Richfield ECFE and I love being a part of this community! I grew up in a suburb of Chicago, IL and moved here to attend the University of Minnesota where I earned my Masters in Early Childhood Education. In my spare time I enjoy dancing, gardening, baking, and walking/hiking! Can't wait to meet you!
Shanyn Hill , Stacey Koehler
Sibling Care Offered
No Class Oct 18, Nov 8, Nov 29, Dec 27, Mar 7, Mar 28 & Apr 4
Full - waiting list