Local opportunities to connect, learn and grow. Course offerings are typically announced three times per year in mid-August, mid-December, and early March.
Early Childhood Family Education classes are offered in Richfield at the Central Education Center. Fees are based on a sliding scale, and no one is turned away for inability to pay!
Early Childhood Screening / Evaluación de la Primera Infaci
We provide a play-based developmentally appropriate curriculum that is inclusive of all learners. / Proveemos un programa basado en el juego apropiado para el desarrollo, el cual es inclusivo para todos los estudiantes.
Families can play and learn together at events or activities.
Basic water safety and five levels of swim instruction.
Looking for a fun skills course for your child to learn bike safety? RPS Safe Routes to School Coordinator and Bike League Certified Instructor Tim Brackett will be teaching bike safety and skills lessons in a fun, engaging 4-day summer bike camp for children ages 7-10. Using the Richfield Community Bike Fleet and nationally-recognized Walk! Bike! Fun! curriculum, Tim will cover bike basics, host a bike rodeo skill course and lead participants on short neighborhood group rides throughout the week-long bike camp. Each activity is designed to teach your child how to bike safely in the community. Bikes and helmets will be provided, courtesy of Richfield Public Schools and Minnesota's Safe Routes to School Program. This course is available at a discounted rate, thanks to funding from the Safe Routes to School Coordinator grant.
Tim Brackett